Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Bharat Ratna Award

Hi Friends,

Nowadays, I readout a number of chitchat that to whom Bharat Ratna Award to be presented. According to daily chitchat, some of the glorious personalities which are opted are as: Sachin Tendulkar, Major Dhyan Chand, Prakash Padukone etc....

And now, in your view: to whom this hilarious awards being presented.

A. Sachin Tendulkar

B. Major Dhyan Chand

C. Prakash Padukone

D. None of these

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

When do groups make better decisions than individuals?

When do groups make better decisions than individuals?

It is believed that groups make better decisions as compare to the individual decisions and the major reason is that more minds can look over the issue from various aspects and perspectives as compare to a single mind. For the lengthy and the strategic decisions, importance of group decisions making cannot be ignored because members of the group have different skills, thinking patterns, beliefs, frame of minds and creativity therefore, they can give better solutions to the issues under discussion.

In most of the cases groups make better decisions as compare to individuals. The tasks which are strategic in nature, complex, lengthy, requires various perspectives to looked upon and have huge after effects should be discussed in groups and decisions about such tasks should be group decisions. For example, if a company is planning to give a new sale offer to the customers on Christmas then the decision should be made in consideration to the feedback taken from retailers, distributors, warehouse keepers etc. When the nature of the task is complex then members in the group can give a number of recommendations and better decision can be made. Therefore, for complex, strategic, important and long term decisions group decision making process should be encouraged.

What effect, if any, do you expect that workforce diversity has on a group’s performance and satisfaction?

What effect, if any, do you expect that workforce diversity has on a group’s performance and satisfaction?

A workforce that's more heterogeneous in terms of gender, race, ethnicity, age and other characteristics that reflect differences. One of the major challenges facing managers in the twenty-first century will be coordinating work activities of diverse organizational members in accomplishing organizational goals. Today's organizations are characterized by workforce diversity- a workforce that's more heterogamous in terms of gender, race, ethnicity, age and other characteristics that reflect differences. A report on work and workers in the twenty-first century called workforce 2020 stated that the United States labour force would continue its ethnic diversification although at a fairly slow pace. Throughout the early years of the twenty-first century minority will account certainly more than one half of the net new entrants in the United States.

The fastest growth is of Asian and Hispanic workers. However this report also stated that a more significant demographic force affecting workforce diversity during the next decade will be ageing of the population. This trend will significantly affect the United States work force in three ways first these ageing individual may choose to continue full time work, part time work or retire completely. Think of an organization, when an individual who is employee of that organization with vast knowledge and experience want to leave, it will cause problem for the organizations.

Basically workforce diversity can impact the performance of a group both positively as well as negatively. Firstly, workforce diversity increases the skills available to a specific group and the group shows more productive results as compare to the group which has individuals from the same set of mind. Workforce diversity also increases the capability of the individuals to work with people of different nature and habits. Moreover, it creates a motivation among the individuals. On the other hand, it can creates a lot of problems like linguistic problems, cultural issues and communication problems.

Workforce diversity is fast becoming something more acceptable , desired as well as inevitable.

Top companies all over the world can be found to have a fine "unity in diversity" in their workforce.

It undoubtedly gets tough to manage a culturally different workforce.It however, can be done easily when the group is driven by a common objective and the universal management principles.

These 7 strategies will help you setting disputes quickly and peacefully for the benefit of everyone involved

These 7 strategies will help you setting disputes quickly and peacefully for the benefit of everyone involved

1. Remain calm. Be still and say nothing. Let the storm run its course. Often times the angry person wants to provoke you. Arguing is ineffective because it raises barriers. Consider how I handled the barber situation.
2. Let the other person do the talking. He or she will soon grow tired of it. Sometimes that’s all they want. To be heard. To feel important. Everyone wants to feel important. Some people just express it in ways that are counterproductive.

3. Genuinely consider the other person’s point of view. Imagine yourself in his shoes. Never say “you’re wrong.” In fact, try hard to look for areas of agreement and build on them.

4. There’s power in the words “Yes, yes, I see exactly what you’re saying. You mean…….” This shows the other person you hear him/her. That’s all they usually want — to be validated. By agreeing with them, you gradually break down the other person’s anger.

5. If the situation turns verbally abusive, put a stop to it. Firmly but calmly state: “You’re very angry right now and you’re saying things you don’t mean (give them the benefit of the doubt). I’m going to excuse myself. We can talk again after you calm down.” Then leave the room or ask them to leave.

6. If you are wrong, quickly admit it and take responsibility. You could say, “You’re absolutely right, it is my fault and here is what I’ll do to fix it.” Even if you’re NOT wrong, at least give them the benefit of the doubt, “I may be wrong, let’s look at the facts together.” It’s hard to argue with that!

These words have tremendous power. Not only does it validate the other person’s viewpoint but it also diffuses the tension. You might be surprised by what happens afterwards. The person could end up defending you. You’d be amazed how an attacker suddenly becomes an ally.

7. Use the power of visualization. If you’re dealing with someone you interact with on a daily basis (like a boss or co-worker), try to imagine that person as a loving spiritual being. I did this with a boss I had at a Wall Street bank several years ago. He was an absolute tyrant and gave everyone a hard time. In retrospect, he was clearly unhappy and insecure.

One day I started to visualize him as a loving grandfather. When he was in a good mood, he would lovingly talk about his grandchildren. His eyes and face would light up with incredible joy, leading me to realize there was a softhearted man behind the hard facade. Every morning before going to work, I imagined him romping around in the backyard on a warm, breezy day with his grandkids squealing and laughing with delight.
Long story short, this man promoted me almost 1 year later, in no small part due to the power of visualization. No one can dispute that this works because I’ve lived to tell the story. I’ve used it win trips to Mexico and Bermuda (sales contests at Merrill Lynch), to forgive those who have hurt me, to become the world’s first deaf instrument pilot, and to give powerful presentations.

Food for thought: Think about how you’ve dealt with difficult people in the past. Were you tempted to prove them wrong, trying to save face? Were you able to see through the facade and recognize that all they want is to be heard, loved and validated? Have you tried the power of visualization?

Identify five roles you play in your organization. What behaviors do they require? Are any of these Roles in conflict? If so, in what way? How do you

Identify five roles you play in your organization. What behaviors do they require? Are any of these Roles in conflict? If so, in what way? How do you resolve these conflicts?

Following are the five roles that an individual can play in an organization:

- Figure head: A Figurehead is a role that is played by an employee during a ceremonial activity when he represents his company. There is no decision making in it and very little serious communication.

- Liaison: A Liaison is a role that is used for making and maintaining contact with people outside the organization. It requires strong communication skills but very little authority.

- - Leader: A Leader is involved in control and coordination of work.

- - Monitor: In a monitor role, an employee is responsible for continuous scanning of the external and internal environment.

- - Disseminator: A disseminator is involved in transmittal of information. This involves high analytical and communication skills.

None of these roles are in conflict with each other.

B. What can you do, as a manager, to increase the likelihood that your employees will exert a high level of effort?

What can you do, as a manager, to increase the likelihood that your employees will exert a high level of effort?Equal treatment of all and discipline or reward when it is warranted. This is a small sampling of factors but important ones I believe.

1. Conduct job analysis audits to provide realistic job previews. Conduct job analysis audits with behavioral assessments, cognitive reasoning assessments, job simulations, and hard skills assessments (e.g., computer skills, etc.) to objectively define the core competencies required for success in each role (competency modeling). This helps in providing a realistic job preview for candidates and managers. Oftentimes what managers think they need for a certain role is different from that they actually need.

2. Implement a well-designed assessment and selection process. Include behavioral assessments and structured behavioral interviewing techniques to increase the likelihood of hiring people that can, and will, do the job at a high level in your environment and for your managers (job fit assessment).

3. Provide good employee orientation. The people you hire today are potentially your greatest resource for corporate success in the years ahead. As a senior leader, your participation in new employee orientation sends a vital cultural and leadership message: "We’re all involved here in the drive toward what we want to be in the future." Everyone—even the newest employee—has value.

4. Implement programs for employee training and development. Provide ongoing professional development to show your willingness as an organization to develop your greatest asset—your people.

5. Improve manager and employee relationships. Concentrate on the people that stay with you to learn what makes them happy … then give them more of it! "People leave managers, not companies. If you have a turnover problem, look first at your managers," Marcus Buckingham and Curt Coffman write in First, Break All the Rules.

6. Provide an equitable or fair pay system. Be competitive!

7. Encourage succession planning. Identify roles for which employees may be suited in the future and work with them on designing their succession plan within the organization. Invest in cross-training, job shadowing, coaching, mentoring, and cross-experience.

Contrast job based and skill based pay

Contrast job based and skill based pay

Variable-pay involves paying the employees a form of compensation for performance in addition to the fixed base salary paid. It is a technique opted for by companies to increase the productivity of their staff. It is seen used on a large scale in the Information Technology sector. Skill based pay on the other hand refers to pay that is paid to employees who are willing to undergo a learning or training program to increase the level of their skills. It is pay that reflects the organisations appreciation of the employee acquiring additional skills and training. Both of these are progressive models of remuneration that are adapted to increase productivity by organisations, but that target distinct areas of an employees character. Both seek to motivate an employee through monetary incentives to perform better.

1. Can an individual be too motivated, so that his or her performance declines as a result of excessive effort? Discuss.

Can an individual be too motivated, so that his or her performance declines as a result of excessive effort? Discuss.

Answer – Students’ responses may vary but should consider the following elements from the text. McClelland found that high achievers differentiate themselves from others by their desire to do things better. If a high achiever sets too high goals for him/herself, he/she could end up demotivating him/herself because of the failure to achieve the goals. According to cognitive evaluation theory, when extrinsic rewards are used by organizations as payoffs for superior performance, the intrinsic rewards, which are derived from individuals doing what they like, are reduced. The popular explanation is that the individual experiences a loss of control over his/her own behavior so that the previous intrinsic motivation diminishes. Furthermore, the elimination of extrinsic rewards can produce a shift—from an external to an internal explanation—in an individual’s perception of causation of why he/she works on a task.

Contrast distributive and procedural justice. What implications might they have for designing pay systems in different countries?

Contrast distributive and procedural justice. What implications might they have for designing pay systems in different countries?

Distributive justice, or economic justice, is concerned with giving all members of society a "fair share" of the benefits and resources available. However, while everyone might agree that wealth should be distributed fairly, there is much disagreement about what counts as a "fair share." Some possible criteria of distribution are equity, equality, and need. (Equity means that one's rewards should be equal to one's contributions to a society, while "equality" means that everyone gets the same amount, regardless of their input. Distribution on the basis of need means that people who need more will get more, while people who need less will get less.) Fair allocation of resources, or distributive justice, is crucial to the stability of a society and the well-being of its members. When issues of distributive justice are inadequately addressed and the item to be distributed is highly valued, intractable conflicts frequently result.

Procedural justice is concerned with making and implementing decisions according to fair processes that ensure "fair treatment." Rules must be impartially followed and consistently applied in order to generate an unbiased decision. Those carrying out the procedures should be neutral, and those directly affected by the decisions should have some voice or representation in the decision-making process. (See the essay on public participation.) If people believe procedures to be fair, they will be more likely to accept outcomes, even ones that they do not like. Implementing fair procedures is central to many dispute resolution procedures, including negotiation, mediation, arbitration, and adjudication.

Historically, equity theory focused on distributive justice or “the perceived fairness of the amount and allocation of rewards among individuals.” Equity should also consider procedural justice, “the perceived fairness of the process used to determine the distribution of rewards.” The evidence indicates that distributive justice has a greater influence on employee satisfaction than procedural justice. Procedural justice tends to affect an employee’s organizational commitment, trust in his or her boss, and intention to quit. By increasing the perception of procedural fairness, employees are likely to view their bosses and the organization as positive even if they are dissatisfied with pay, promotions, and other personal outcomes.

What is the rational decision-making model? Under what conditions is it applicable?

What is the rational decision-making model? Under what conditions is it applicable?

Rational decision making models involve a cognitive process where each step follows in a logical order from the one before. By cognitive, I mean it is based on thinking through and weighing up the alternatives to come up with the best potential result.

There are different types of rational models and the number of steps involved, and even the steps themselves, will differ in different models.

Some people assume that decision making is equivalent to problem solving. Some decisions however are not problem oriented and I've taken this into consideration when describing the general outline of a rational model below.

Steps in a rational decision making model

· Define the situation/decision to be made
· Identify the important criteria for the process and the result
· Consider all possible solutions
· Calculate the consequences of these solutions versus the likelihood of satisfying the criteria
· Choose the best option

Rational Decision making model is basically the process which is used for making logically sound decisions. This model is applicable in a condition where it is important to follow an orderly and systematic path.

It has the following steps:

- Identify and define the problem
- - Generate possible solutions
- - Generate assessment criteria
- - Choose the best solution from the possible solutions.
- - Implement the best solution.
- - Monitor and evaluate the results.
- Feedback

The method of making the decision depends upon its importance. The more important the decision, the more time consuming it would be and you would need more information for making the decision. While making the decision, you need to see its objective and importance, the people who would be affected by it and also the organizational aspects that would be involved. The most important thing is to analyze your resources and different alternatives. You would also have to gather the necessary information needed to make the decision. You also need to keep in mind the time frame in which you have to reach a result. You should also discuss the situation with you other managers so that all points are covered and they get to participate in the decision making process and this is very important these days. Always remember that whatever you decide should have a rationale to it and you should be able to communicate it to the other people working in the organization.

A. What, if anything, can managers do to manage emotions?

What, if anything, can managers do to manage emotions?

Answer – They cannot control the emotions of their colleagues and employees. Emotions are a natural part of an individual’s makeup. Where managers err is if they ignore the emotional elements in organizational behavior and assess individual behavior as if it were completely rational. Managers who understand the role of emotions will significantly improve their ability to explain and predict individual behavior.

What are effectiveness and efficiency, and how are they related to organizational behavior?

What are effectiveness and efficiency, and how are they related to organizational behavior?

An organization is productive if it achieves its goals (effective) and does so by transferring inputs to outputs at the lowest cost (efficiency). As such, productivity implies a concern for both effectiveness and efficiency. Hospital example—effective when it successfully meets the needs of its clientele. It is efficient when it can do so at a low cost. Business firm example — effective when it attains its sales or market share goals, but its productivity also depends on achieving those goals efficiently. Achieving productivity through effectiveness and efficiency involves all three levels of an organization, the individual, the group, and the organizational system. OB provides the tools, insights, and ability to predict outcomes needed to balance these two elements.

A. If job satisfaction is not a behavior, why is it considered an important Dependent Variable?

If job satisfaction is not a behavior, why is it considered an important Dependent Variable?

Job satisfaction is the difference between the amount of rewards workers receive and the amount they believe they should receive. Unlike the other dependent variables, job satisfaction represents an attitude rather than a behavior. It became a primary dependent variable for two reasons: 1) demonstrated relationship to performance factors and 2) the value preferences held by many OB researchers. Managers have believed for years that satisfied employees are more productive. Much evidence questions that assumed causal relationship. However, it can be argued that advanced societies should be concerned with the quality of life. Ethically, organizations have a responsibility to provide employees with jobs that are challenging and intrinsically rewarding.

A. What contingency factors can improve the statistical relationship between Attitudes and Behavior?

What contingency factors can improve the statistical relationship between Attitudes and Behavior?

Wealth, Living environment, family environment, success in ventures. Just about any factor that affects one's self-worth. The better one feels about themselves, the encouragement they receive will affect the attitude and as such their behavior. People usually misbehave in order to get attention. Some will take attention in any form good or bad just to be noticed and recognize. Bad behavior is usually a cry for attention so when someone is acting bad a lot of time they are seeking to be noticed and recognized.

What are the three levels of analysis in our OB model? Are they related? If so, how?

Q: What are the three levels of analysis in our OB model? Are they related? If so, how?

Answer – Individual, group, organization. The three basic levels are analogous to building blocks—each level is constructed upon the previous level. Group concepts grow out of the foundation laid in the individual section; we overlay structural constraints on the individual and group in order to arrive at organizational behavior.

What are the three levels of Analysis in our OB model? Are they related? If so, how?

A field of study that investigates the impact of individuals, groups, and structure on behaviour within organizations; the aim is to apply such knowledge toward improving organizational effectiveness.

Organizational Behavior (OB) is the study and application of knowledge about how people, individuals, and groups act in organizations. It does this by taking a system approach. That is, it interprets people-organization relationships in terms of the whole person, whole group, whole organization, and whole social system. Its purpose is to build better relationships by achieving human objectives, organizational objectives, and social objectives

Monday, March 30, 2009

Who will Win the Loksabha Election

Who will Win, According to you, the World's Biggest Constituency Loksabha Election and to whom you supoorted and why?

A) Congress


C) Others and make a Unity Govt.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Will India be able to win Zewzealand series ?

Will India be able to win Zewzealand series ? Millions of cricket fans are anxious to watch the exciting India - New Zealand cricket matches.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Where to play casino in New Delhi?

Where to play casino in New Delhi?

Please let me know, i am interested.
Is casino allowed in India ?

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Where is the Nike's showroom in Delhi ?

Where is the Nike's showroom in Delhi ? I am searching on net but could not find.

I think Nike is the best brand in sportswear category.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

How to download Internet Explorer 7 ?

How to download Internet Explorer 7 ?

I tried to download from some sites but could not do it

How to install Windows Installer ?

How to install Windows Installer ?

It is very difficult for me to install windows installer, may be i do not know how to do it properly, can any one tell me how to do it???

Monday, February 16, 2009

Will Slumdog Millionaire win Oscar for India ?


Will Slumdog Millionaire win Oscar for India ?

Should A R Rahman be given Oscar??

Does Slumdog Millionaire deserves Oscar?

Do you think Interim Budget will help UPA ?

Do you think Interim Budget will help UPA ?

Will BJP's Jeetaga BJP slogan will work??

Will third front come back to power?

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Why Irfan is not in the Test squad ?

MY Q: Why Irfan is not in the Test squad ?

He was playing very well. I think Irfan Pathan deserves in the team India.

What do you say guys??????

How effective are the social networking sites?

How effective are the social networking sites?





i like orkut because of it's user friendly features and it's advance friend search option.

What do you say???

Will Dhoni continue his winning record ?

My Q: Will Mahendra Singh Dhoni continue his winning record this year also?

Will Sachin play till next world cup ???

Should Rahul Dravid quit test cricket??

Who will be the best international cricket player player in 2009 ?

Will Australia come back ?????

When IIT Entrance Exam will be conducted ?

My Q: Do any one know when IIT Entrance Exam will be conducted ?

Please let me know IIT Entrance Exam dates......


Do you think Deepika will rock in 2009?

MY Q: Do you think Deepika Padukone will rock the year 2009 also?

Or Kareen, Priyanka, Preeti .............................

How to earn on Internet ?

My Q : How to earn on Internet ?

Do any one let me know how i can earn on internet either working part-time or full-time.

I want a specific answer.
